Category: Casino

Casino Chip Collecting: How to Determine the Value of Casino Chips

Casino chip collecting has really taken off in the last ten years or so and with the increase in interest, prices paid for casino chips have also gone up. About twenty years ago, casino chips rarely sold for more than $100. Now, though, collectible poker chips can carry four- and even five-digit price tags. As with any collectible, rarity and condition go into determining a casino chip’s value, but there’s more to it than that. If your thinking about starting a collection or wondering about the value of those poker chips you forgot to cash in at the casino last time, here are some tips on finding out how much a casino chip is worth.

Get a price guide

The best way to get an accurate idea of the monetary value of your chips is to look them up in a price guide published by the Casino Chip Gaming Tokens Collectors Club (CC and GTCC). This price guide, the Official U.S. Casino Chip Price Guide, is the only comprehensive guide to U.S. casino chip prices. For die-hard collectors, the CC and GTCC publishes a quarterly magazine, Casino Chip and Token News, which also contains tips on appraising casino chips. If you specialize in chips from one or just a few U.S. states, there are also price guides available for individual states. These are easier to find in Midwestern and Western states. If you’re just getting interested in casino chip-collecting and aren’t ready to invest in a price guide yet, you can get a feel for how much your chips are worth at Web sites like Online guides can help you find pricing information on chips from around the world, too. Keep in mind that these buying guides aren’t just for looking up the value of the chips you already have. When you go out to buy more poker chips for your collection, the guides will help you tell genuine chips apart from the fakes.

Of course, there’s a logic that goes into determining the value of the casino chips listed into those price guides. Here are some factors that affect how much a poker chip might be worth.


You might think that, as with coins, the rarest or oldest casino chips are the most valuable. This isn’t always true, though. Collecting casino chips is a little like collecting sports memorabilia in that collectors are interested in the story behind what they’re buying. This is usually the story of the casino the chips originated from. One of the most popular kinds of stories is about illegal gambling houses that started up in the Midwest towards the end of prohibition. Poker chips from these establishments are known as “illegal chips.” The drama and intrigue surrounding the illegal casinos catch a lot of people’s imaginations, which gives greater value to the poker chips associated with them. Many collectors believe the value of illegal chips will continue to increase as more people get interested in casino chip collecting.


The backstory is important, but as with most collectibles, rarity does factor into the monetary value of the piece. Rare poker chips aren’t just the old ones from long-closed casinos, either. A lot of casinos produce limited-edition chips series and these are extremely popular with poker chip collectors. These limited editions generally focus on the theme, such as casino grand openings and anniversary, celebrities such as sports figures or performing artists, or even animals. The series tends to span a year, with a new chip coming out every few weeks or so. Besides limited edition casino chips, canceled chips are also highly prized, especially if they come from a well-known casino. These are chips that have been marked in a certain way to make them obsolete without destroying them. This is usually done by drilling a small hole, stamping, or notching the edges of the chip.

Beauty and condition

How aesthetically attractive a chip is also affected its value. In casino chip collecting, buyers tend to prefer chips with eye-catching images and intricate patterns. While the design on the poker chip should look good, ideally it should also provide some information about which casino the chip is from and how much it was worth in that casino (denomination). The condition of the casino chip is another thing to consider. During games, poker chips are handled a lot and often get chipped, scratched, and dirty. A little wear is expected, especially with a very old poker chip. In general, though, the less wear the better. The CC and GTCC have come up with a system for describing the condition of a chip, ranging from new to damaged. Canceled chips have their own category.

Casino chip collecting may never outpace stamp collecting or coin collecting, but it is picking up speed and there’s more and more money to be made with the hobby. If you’ve gathered a pile of poker chips from the casinos you’ve visited, try looking them up in a casino chip price guide. You may be surprised by what you learn. Moreover, if you are not that into this casino chip collection thing, then you also have your online casino at situs poker online that you can try and win money online. 

Las Vegas Nightclubs: RumJungle at Mandalay Bay

RumJungle at Mandalay Bay The Restaurant, Lounge and Nightclub all in one at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino is one of the hottest places on the Vegas Strip. 

The Restaurant is open daily until 10pm and has contemporary food very reminiscent of what you would get at The Rainforest Café but a bit more upscale and extremely tasty. When I was there we ordered the Rodizio fire pit which at $40 was an all you can eat Brazilian BBQ that had unlimited appetizers and BBQ meat. The bread and dipping sauce would have held me over for the next couple of days but when the Cuban black beans were served alongside pineapple rice and all the different types of meat that you could imagine served up with Latin accents, well all I can say was that it was phenomenal. This is a place I would definitely come and visit again and again. This will give you an authentic idea about 토토. 

If you just want to stop by for cocktails make sure you come for Happy Hour which I believe starts at 5pm but I know ends at 7pm and most drinks are only $7 which is an amazing price and the drinks are very strong!

The nightclub is open on Wednesday through Saturday and there is no cover charge for women and men. The main theme of the nightclub is RUM obviously with just about every kind of rum available and many many rum drinks on special. The décor of the club is of course Jungle themed and makes you feel like you’re Tarzan and Jane in the jungle. The giraffe print floor, the snake print booths and the colorful bar which changes colors every few seconds makes you feel like you’re actually partying in the Bahamas. Go-Go dancers strut and shake their stuff in sexy birdcages and keep the dancing flowing and the energy pumping. The oh so interesting part of getting your drink is when the bartenders have these almost half naked girls swinging on wires and jumping up on the great wall of Rum to grab whatever alcohol you want in your drink, and bartenders who just pour shots right into your mouth – you know it’s going to a crazy good time. On certain nights there are two percussionists that are stationed at the top near the DJ and add a little something to the mix the DJ is playing depending on the night since the variety of music at this club changes nightly. While all of this seems cheesy and in a way it very much so is, the Rum – and the vast quantity and availability of it – is what keeps me coming back even for just a few hours every time I visit Las Vegas.

Top 3 Common Scenarios for Profitable Semi-Bluffing in No-Limit Hold’em

The deep stacks of no-limit Texas hold’em allows you to play a variety of hands that don’t have enough equity to value bet, but have just enough equity to make some serious semi-bluffs in situations where you expect to have a lot of fold equity. Additionally, the flexibility of the variable bet sizes in the game allows for more powerful bluffs and semi-bluffs in more spots than the limit variation of hold’em. When you combine the wider range of hands taken to a flop with the flexible betting structure and deep stacks, you’ll start to see patterns of when your opponent’s range is weak, and these recurring situations are what we are going to take a look at.

The first super common situation actually happens before the flop when it’s folded to you in late position and you have suited trash, a middle or low connector, or two middle-rank cards. If you have even somewhat tight players left to act, you can put in a raise to try to take down the blinds because your opponents are going to fold so often it will be profitable. Then the times you get called, you’ll still have a very playable hand in position that can hit a lot of flops. The whole situation is because of the opportunity to make a really profitable semi-bluff before the flop.

The second really common situation happens on the flop when it’s checked to you heads-up and you flop some sort of draw. Your lone opponent checking to you indicates that a large percentage of the time he will not have a hand that connected with the board and will simply fold when you make a bet. Combine this with the times that you bet, they call and you make your hand on the turn and you have another extremely profitable scenario that is set up with a semi-bluff. As an added bonus, if your opponent calls and you miss on the flop, when they check to you again you can simply check behind and get a free card. This adds a lot to your profitability.

A third common scenario that comes up in no-limit hold’em is on the turn when you were the preflop aggressor, missed the flop, and made a continuation bet that was called due to the faculties options that lets the customer to have an easy approach to all the options of the website because of the auto interacting software’s. If you pick up a big draw on the turn, it can be a great situation to fire a second barrel and try to take it down on the turn. In general, you will prefer to try this when the card that comes on the turn also increases your fold equity, like when an overcard to the board comes. For example, you could hold the A5 of spades, make a continuation bet on a 962 rainbow board with one spade, and then fire a second barrel when the Q of spades comes off on the turn.

No matter what the situation, you should remember a simple rule for semi-bluffing. The more equity you’re going to have when you’re called (the more outs you have) and the more often your opponent is going to fold, the more profitable your bet will be. Semi-bluffing is a crucial part of a winning no-limit hold’em strategy, so it’s important to understand the common scenarios where it is profitable.